Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Holy crap

I realized something tonight, actually just now

My first td in ten was Jan. 1, 2014.
That means at the end of this year, I will have written something almost daily for five years.
Five years.
During that time:

Emily and John got married.
Emily's house was destroyed by a tornado.
I got an I Phone.
We got a dog.
Jackie got a BMW.
I turned 70.   70?  How could that have happened??
I marked 10 years as a zoo volunteer.
We've been to New England, the Baseball Hall of Fame,  visited my cousin in New York, gone to visit Julia a couple of times.
We went to Las Vegas and I lost $20 playing roulette.   Turns out 13 is not a lucky number.
I went to Christmas markets in France.
I went on a bike trip through the Netherlands with friends.
I've told countless embarrassing stories about me and many boring stories about life.
We've gone through 3 living room couches.
We've seen friends move to the east and family to the  west,
I was on the television, but Jackie told me to get off it before I broke it.
I got hearing aids.
This is sort of like the Trump presidency in a way; I never thought it would last!

Life passes quickly, doesn't it?
In a blink of an eye, you are a young man or woman, then are old.
I wish I had all those hours I frittered away when I was younger in a time bank that I could draw on now.  Or even the ones that I fritter away now.  And is fritter the right word?
Enjoy your days my friends.  Make every one of them count and relish the loved ones around you.
Your Melancholy Baby.

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