Sunday, December 16, 2018

Good grief

This was a pretty nice day

     During coffee hour at church I asked a fellow parishioner if he was watching the Bears tonight.  He said he was watching them as soon as he got home because the game started at noon.  I had no idea.  I thought it was a Sunday night game.
     I made the second half.  Great game.
I also tried the gas grill, but it was a no go.  I think I have to replace the regulator, but I can't get the old one off.  Chalk that up to aging...I am not as strong as I used to be.  Except under my arm pits, I seem to be stronger there than ever.
     So I cooked steaks on a charcoal grill in the driveway on Dec. 16.  Don't know if I have ever done that before.
     I also made a loaf of Tuscan bread.  Everyone said it was was a put in the oven and bake one I found in the freezer.  It was good.
     John and I had a bottle of wine at supper.  I think I had too much.  My thinking has been slower than usual since then.  But it tasted so good.
     I finally posted a picture of my pillars on Facebook....hope someone is interested in giving them a good home.
     And bed I go.
     Peace and Love to all.....and to all a good night.

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