Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Quite the day

I had a really nice Christmas

     My daughters were home, and that is all I really needed.
     But in our family, we put together a Christmas list, so people have some idea what we want.
     Jackie had a couple of books, a nightgown, some shirts on her list.  Julia had anything Mickey on hers, Emily had some clothes that better fit her new body, John had a couple of clothing and tool wishes, Camryn had some clothes and games on her list.
     I had what I called a practical list.
     What was on my list?

Two and a half gallon gas cans.
A hose reel.
Hose nozzles that don't leak.
Peace pole for the garden.
Bike helmet and light.
A stocking cap or two because I have lost 4 in the past year.

     You know, practical.  After all, I am getting older and I don't need a lot of stuff.
     For some reason, I was mocked!
     Under the tree this year?  NO gas cans, hose reel, hose nozzles or any of the other routine stuff on my list.
     I did get some Beatles themed peace poles.  And I did get some stocking caps.  I think there is 13 or 15 in the box.  Julia, John and Emily bought caps wherever they found them.
     I have caps representing the Cubs, Bears, Hubs, NIU, Switzerland, Chicago..... an incredible amount of hats.
     Now my head will be warm all winter.
     Seriously, this was an incredibly neat thing for them to do.
     I also got a mystery book.  It's a book, wrapped in brown paper.  The person buying it has no clue as to who wrote it, or the title.  It's a mystery book.  Kinda neat.
     And if Dan is reading this, remember the glass Santa I bought Jackie at the downtown market?  I really must like it, because I bought her the same one last year!  And to top it off, I forgot to wrap it.  I realized I had hidden it somewhere so I would not lose it and after several searches, I found it.....along with a table runner I bought at the market which closely resembles one I bought two years ago!
     I guess my tastes don't change.
     And I managed to order 2 copies of Michelle Obama's book.  I ordered them on line, on different days, for different prices.  I do not know how I did that.

     Hope you all had a great Christmas.
     Now, I'm going to bed so tomorrow I can start wearing all my new hats!!      Hope it cools down!
     Peace and Love.  And good dreams.

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