Monday, December 10, 2018


I want a door number 4

     Well, I seem to have done a number on my upper molar.  I snapped it off at the base.
     I have three options:  A metal bridge that goes in and out every night.  A permanent bridge that requires a lot of dental work.  Extraction and implant.
     The option I did not hear was, "Hey, I have some Gorilla Glue and we can just glue that sucker back together."
     Which all leads to this question:  Why am I such a baby?
     I have talked to at least four people in the past three days who have an implant or two.  None of them said it was a bad experience.  All of them said there was a little pain, but it was temporary and their mouth felt great.
     I get sick to my stomach thinking about going to the dentist!
     So, my decision......(drum roll please.  Or a Danish, either one).... extraction and implant.
     I will have to put on my big boy pants for this.  Trouble is, I don't know where they are.
     On a happier note, we had a beautiful hoar frost today.   Make your own jokes, I am too nervous.
     And I pulled out all the mugs I have saved from the Christmas market.  I don't know why I am saving them......Julia and Emily will not appreciate more shit in the house.
     I had to take something downstairs tonight.  I went down, came right back up.  Jackie said, "Where's Corki?"  I said she was probably in the bedroom on her bed because she hasn't been feeling well today.  15 minutes later I hear a quiet bark and realize I left her in the basement.  I did not know she went down with me!
     I am a terrible dog daddy.

2013 (far right)  is my favorite  2018 is triangular...hard to drink from!

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