Saturday, December 15, 2018

happy little family

I am happy tonight

     We picked up Julia from the airport today.  Emily, John and I drove to ORD and picked her up this afternoon.
     I am always happy when all my girls are close to home.
     Exiting the parking lot was a problem.  Three or 4 overseas flights seem to have come in at the same time, and everyone was trying to get out of the parking lot. 
     Then one of the toll booths malfunctioned, so there were only three lanes open.
     It took a little over 20 minutes to exit!
     I have said this before...but watching the families at the International Terminal is a very emotional experience.  There are always tears of joy as families and friends reunite.  It's a sad, but warm, experience.
     Generally on Saturday we have a routine:  I put the sheets in the washer, take my shower, put clean sheets on the bed, do another load, fold the get the drift.
     I made the bed and as I turned to get dressed I noticed the fitted sheet still sitting on the dresser!  I asked Jackie if we could get by without the bottom sheet and she said absolutely not.
     Go figure.
     But, all is well that ends well.  Sheets are on the bed. 

Peace and Love.......

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