Wednesday, December 19, 2018

C is for.....

I need to do a better job reading

     We were making bread tonight and I had to put in one half teaspoon of ground cinnamon.  I looked at the spices and found ground  c....., luckily I double checked or our cranberry bread would  have had cumin in stead of cinnamon.
     I don't think the taste would have been good.
     Other than that, life has gone well.
     I have been pestered by calls on my cell and home phone.  So today the phone rang and I picked it up ready to be a real jerk, only to find out it was my brother in law on the phone.  Luckily, for once, I was smart enough not to start swearing as soon as I picked up the phone.
     Seriously, what does it take to stop these guys from calling?  No, not my brother in law....the phone solicitors.  Every time I get an unwanted call I block it, but I still get the call in the first place. 
     I know people need to work, but being a pest is not a very mind inspiring job.  And I hate to be rude, but they are calling my house, my phone, and I hate the invasion of privacy.
     I must be tired.
     Enough of my rants for one day.
     Peace and Love to all.  And to all phone call centers, I hope your equipment melts.

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