Saturday, December 8, 2018


Who dat and other stories

     Jackie wanted a Dairy Queen candy cane Blizzard.  So we stopped at the Queen in DeKalb.  When I go in, there is a lady in a purple coat who says hello.
Now, she looks familiar.  But I don't know who she is.  After a couple of awkward moments, she comes over and says, "Terry, I wasn't sure it was you."
It was a fellow teacher I have known for at least 20 years!!  I was with her classroom two weeks ago!!
     In my defense, she had her hair pulled back and I was not expecting to see anyone I knew. 
     After spending 20 minutes trying to change a fuse on one of those strings of outdoor Christmas lights, I tossed them.  Rather, I put them in the pile to take to the fire station for recycling.  I could have sent them back to the manufacturer along with a dated receipt and the zebra code.   I figured it would cost more to mail them than it was worth.  I think the company depends on people not sending them back.  How much is postage to China??
     We went to a Christmas party for church tonight.  Nice time, quiet night talking and visiting.
     When we got home I went into the closet to hang up Jackie's sweater and there was a white thing-a-ma-bob on the floor.  I swear, it was not there when I left.  It looks like a cover to something, and the inside says Germany.  I don't see anything it could have fallen off of.  It can't be burglars, because they usually take things.  Ghosts??
     On our way to the party, I put on my signal to turn right into the subdivision.  Jackie said it was not the right spot.  I turned anyway.  I don't know who lives in that white house, but I bet they were curious about why I was sitting in their driveway.
     "I told you not to turn here," someone said.
     The garage door opener in Jackie's car will not open the garage door when the car is in the garage.  However, it will close the door when in the garage.  Weird.  And for it to work, it has to be pointing at the door.  So when I drive down our street I end up making a sharp, sharp turn toward the ditch  in front of our neighbor's house in order to be facing the door.  If my turn is off by a foot or two, it won't open the door and I have to wait until I am actually in the driveway.
     Now, that does not sound like a big deal but I back the car in.  I do this so Jackie can get in the car with more ease.
     I just hope when the roads get snowy I don't slide into the ditch trying to open the garage door.  Someone thinks I am crazy when I do the Dickow Swerve.
     Stopped at a Starbucks.  The guy running the register was on the floor filling cups under the counter.  He suddenly popped up.  I said, "That was amazing....but you need to add a little smoke and a flash."
     He said he might.  That's a start.
     Good night.  Sleep tight.  Hope for a better tomorrow.

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