Thursday, November 29, 2018

dirty dishes

I admit it, I am not detail oriented 

     Lately our dishwasher has not been doing a good job.  Some of the glasses had crud on them.  On one load, I had to rewash 6 glasses and two plates.
     I looked at the spray arms, they seemed ok.  Nothing seemed amiss.
     I mentioned it  to John at Thanksgiving, saying I would have to call a repairman to figure out what is wrong.
     He pulled out the bottom rack and noticed a hole or two (maybe more) was blocked.  So we cleaned it out.
     Then he looked at the top rack and noticed some of the holes were blocked there also.  We cleaned them out.
     I have not had a problem since.  Dishes, and glasses, come out perfectly clean.
     What the hell!!!  Am I blind??  I looked at the arms and didn't see a problem, but it was apparent there was crap in the holes.  (Still referring to the dishwasher for those of you with sick minds.)
     So I don't know if I am:
               A       Blind
               B        Inattentive
               C        Lazy
               D        Lax
               E         Uncaring
               F          All of the above.

     In any case, thanks John for getting my dishes clean.
     Now, about the spots on my laundry.......
      I still have a cold....and my really strong hot toddy is kicking in.  I need more whiskey.
     Good night, America.

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