Sunday, December 23, 2018

change of plans

I changed my mind on a blog topic 

     I went shopping today.  It's a me thing.  I usually go the day before Christmas, and buy stuff that may or may not be gift worthy.
     I went a day earlier today because I have stuff to do tomorrow. 
     It was quite an experience.
     I was at Kohl's in Rockford.  The line was very long.  A man saw what I was holding and asked where I found them.  I told him and he said he wished he had seen that item.  He then mentioned the Bears, since I was wearing a Bear sweatshirt.  After a minute or two of talking he said, "You can just cut in front of me.  You are a Bear fan.  I don't mind."
     I looked at the long line of people behind him and decided that wasn't a good thing to do.  So I went to the other side of the store and got in a shorter, but still long line.
     I normally don't talk much to strangers, but the man behind me was a chatterbox.  We talked about the length of the line and how it was growing.  When people would walk past he would shout out, "$50 can have my spot."
     We finally reached the check out and I said, "I can see the light at the end of the tunnel."  When the next register cleared, I went up to it.
     The girl was ringing me up and this guy starts yelling, "Hey...he's a line cutter.  He just cut in front of me.  Don't ring him up."  The cashier gave me this look and said, "We don't allow that type of thing here."  I told her he was just joking.
     After I finished paying I went over to where he was and said, "Thanks a lot!"  We both laughed and wished each other Merry Christmas.
     I went to the mall and entered at Barnes and Noble.  As I went through the door there was a man standing there with two cups of coffee.  I reached out and said, "Wow!  Free coffee!! How nice!!"  He looked at me like I was freaking nuts.
     I also stopped at Portillo's to pick up some beef for dinner.  Now, there were five of us and two don't eat a lot, so I naturally opted for the 2 pound feeds 8 pack.  The place was packed.  Wall to wall people.  I went over to the catering counter to get the beef and when the girl was done with a the man ahead of me, she turned to me and asked what I wanted.  I gave her my order and she started to get it.  I said, "I thought you would be busier than this today."  She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at me and said, "Have you seen this place?  Have you been here for the last three hours?"  I think that's when she realized I was being funny. She eventually did laugh. 
     The one spot all day I did not wait in a line?  Starbucks in DeKalb.  The one on campus doesn't seem to be as busy without students.
     So, what was I going to write about?  Topic would have been how sad I get around Christmas.  I'm blessed, I know that.  But I so often have an empty feeling, thinking of people struggling while I have a comfortable life.  And people no longer with us.  I realize that while this is a joyous season, some people struggle with it.  There are days I am one of those people.
     Peace and Love.........spread some cheer tomorrow.

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