Sunday, December 30, 2018


I made a major miscalculation today

     The Christmas butter cookies at Aldi's have been $1.29 for a long time.  There have been lots of them.
     Today, I stopped to stock up and ...... they are out of cookies!
     Last year I bought 6 packs for 50 cents each.  Those lasted me until almost Thanksgiving, when they reappeared in the stores.
     So...if you are going to an Aldi, please look for these:

     If you see some, please buy me a couple of packs.  But these are just the butter ones, not the spiced cookies.  I have looked in the Rochelle store, and I should I looked in the DeKalb one after church today.
     Speaking of church, I was a  reader today.
     I have read many times.  Never a problem.
     Today??  I read the wrong word, skipped a line, lost my place, stumbled on several words, made was terrible.
     After the service, Rev. Heidi said to me, "Would you like a bigger font when you read?  You seemed to be having some trouble."
     I had lots of trouble.  I have never done such a poor job.
     So let's see.....left a $115 tip, can't read the print in front of me, taking a long time to read my book.
     If I was a smart person, I would think my eyes are not getting better with age!
     Just one more picture.

     This is downtown Western Springs, by the train station (and bakery, which I circled twice  before deciding not to enter).
     The tall building is now the historical society museum.   It is a water tower, or was.  But the 112 foot tower has three floors and city offices were once in the building.  It was built in 1891, but by the 1960s the tower stood empty until taken over by the historical society.
     The street in front is lined with trees decorated by local groups. I assume the groups buy a tree for a significant price, then decorate it.  Just a neat idea, to me, anyway.
     On that happy note, going to bed....if I don't get lost on the way.
     Love and Peace and youth to you all.

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