Friday, November 30, 2018

no news

Sometimes I am in a bubble

     Had a zoo day today.  With Sirius in the car, I mostly listen to the Beatles channel.
     When I left the zoo today, I got a series of texts.  Basically they said Warren and the kids were fine.
     Warren is my cousin in law in Anchorage, Alaska.  I had no idea why he was ok until I found out there was a huge earthquake today.
     I called him tonight and he said the epicenter was directly under the chair his ass was in.  Several seconds of shaking knocked stuff off shelves and walls but did not do any major damage.  His daughter and grandchild also were safe, although there was a lot of clean up to do.
     There was an after shock seconds after the quake, and it was also quite powerful.
     Warren is a native Alaskan.  He was a teenager when the big one hit in 1964.       Jackie and I visited Earthquake Park in Anchorage when we were there in the 90s and could see visible evidence of that powerful quake.  Warren once joked that before that one the family house was a block away from the Cook Inlet, but after that quake it was on the Inlet, because the block across the street collapsed into the water.  At least hat is my memory of a story told almost 30 years ago, so I could be off a lot.
     I left the house at 8, got home at 4:45, left at 5:45, got home at about 9 and had the rest of my supper.  Jackie likes a salad at Panera, so I stopped to get her one, not realizing it was a seasonal offering.  But they have a great turkey/apple sandwich and they had squash soup, with I love.  I had the soup early, and the sandwich late.  I also got Jackie a sandwich, but no soup.
     I am in a production tomorrow night.  The local theater group (VCCT) is doing a radio version of Miracle on 34th Street.  I love that movie, and am glad to be part of the radio show version.
     But it made for a long day today.
     So.....sweet dreams, and solid Earths to all.

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