Thursday, December 6, 2018

lookee here

I sometimes am hampered by technology

     Yesterday I could not load pictures, for some reason.  I posted three, but I could not do anymore.
     Since I am a great photographer and all my pictures are super good and important, I am posting some today.
     I restarted my computer....and whatever was not working, worked. 
     I don't understand the ways of machines. 
     Tonight was the annual Community Action Network (CAN) shopping spree.     This has been going on for several years now.  CAN works at raising money all through the year, then at Christmas youngsters from struggling families are treated to a shopping spree at Walmart.
     Jackie went this year, and we had a very cute little kindergartner as our shopper.  Her mom and older sister went along, because for some reason the five year old was afraid to go off with two people she has never before seen in her life.
     I get a gift card to buy the items.  When we totalled everything up, she was pretty close to the target of $75 and we had all clothes.  So Jackie and I said, let's go to the toy aisle and you can pick out a toy.
     She went straight to a thing called a Hatchable....and I gulped at the $49 price tag.
     We told her we were sorry, but that was above our price range.  She broke out in tears and was not even willing to look at the smaller versions of the toy, or other toys.  Her mother told her Santa would probably bring it, so she had to wait.  But she was inconsolable.
     Eventually she settled on a drawing kit.... she loves to draw.
     Honestly, I felt terrible.  I am a sucker for tears, and I came pretty close to giving in.  But we didn't.
     And who knows, maybe Santa will be able to get her the gift.  But it's a big order for what we thought was a single mom raising a couple of kids.
     But $50?   Yikes.
     Anyway, here are some pictures that did not get posted yesterday.

Not a large crowd....Picasso was happy!

Muddy Waters

Used to be Carson's now the ornate work

One goal achieved

The Walnut Room changes colors

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