Tuesday, November 27, 2018

ho hum aliens?

Has Earth been invaded?

     Jackie and I were driving home from Portillo's tonight when we think we saw an alien invasion.
     Ok, I think I saw an alien invasion.

     Here's proof:

     What else can explain it?
     Aliens have built an elevator from a UFO and are using it to send warriors from their planet to invade ours!
     I read in a book, and it was a very true book, written by a real person, that when the alien invasion happens, they will assume a disguise of a bearded man with a round belly,   red suit with fur trim, and a jolly laugh.  So if you see people like that in the next few weeks, BEWARE!!  They may be aliens!
     And while it appears this elevator shaft ends in Creston, in fact it ends on the south end of Rochelle.
     I have an Italian friend named Antonio and he has told me he personally has seen aliens and may have captured one unknowingly.
     "Terry, I hadda go to the doctors office and leave a spaciman,"  he told me.
     I swear, this is all true!
Good night.  I need sleep.

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