Monday, December 3, 2018

son of a bee

Dag nab it!  Foiled again by electronics

     All this electronic stuff is supposed to make my life easier.  Bull shit!
     My garage door opener in the Honda was not always working.  Sometimes it would open the door, sometimes it would not.
     I figured the battery must be dead.
     So I pry the sucker apart and put in a new battery.
     I have to get out of my car and use the key pad.  (I know, tough nougie.  We had to do that in the old days.  And hey, until I was 12 I thought my name was Remote.  Dad was always yelling that at me.)
     It was rainy and cold the other night.  I back the car out, get out, punch the numbers in the key pad, close the door, run back to the car, slip on the ice, fall down the driveway, rolling like a concave bowling ball, knock down the mailbox, and bounce across the street where I eventually come to a stop.
      OK, maybe I exaggerated.  It's the Rum Chata in me talking.
     I got wet. 
     When I came home, I reversed the process, again getting wet only it was colder later than earlier.
     I thought maybe, just maybe, when the battery dies you have to re-sync your remote with the opener in the garage.
     So I Googled it.
     Seemed simple enough.  Hold down the learn button until the yellow light starts blinking, then press remote button until yellow light comes on again.
     I haul out my totally unstable two rung step ladder, see the learn button, and push it, holding it down until it starts blinking.
     I do it again.
     Being persistent, I try it again.
     Somebody once told me if something didn't work, stop doing it.  Continuing to do something that doesn't work is the true definition of insanity.
     So I figured I would wait until morning, put another new battery in in case that one wasn't good, and try again.
     I go over to the key pad to punch in my code and......... yeah, you saw this coming, didn't you.
     Evidently, hitting the learn button erases all the codes for that door.  Duh!
     Now I have to go to the door to the house, hit the opener button there, go out the little door, relock the little door, then get in the car, being careful not to slip on the ice and roll down the driveway like a convex bowling ball.
     To get in the garage, I have to open the door, turn on the light, go up to the house door, hit the button, go back to the car ah hell, you know the drill by now, don't you.
     I have to find the manual for the garage doors.  Yes, I have it.  I save everything, remember?
     With luck, I will have it fixed by spring.
     Until then, I expect to get cold and wet while opening the back door.

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