Friday, March 31, 2023


 Talk about a loooong evening

    I was doing ok until the tv, Jackie's phone, and my phone all signalled "tornado warning" at about the same time.

    Julia was at Emily's and called to say the sirens were going off.

    So, I bundled Jackie into  her wheelchair, put a leash on Dog Beth, grabbed a flashlight and herded us all into the little bathroom.  I called Julia to tell them where we were in case, well, you know.

    Jackie said to take the dog and go downstairs, but we all stayed together.

    Luckily nothing but wind, lightning, thunder and rain.....for which I am grateful.

    We have been through a tornado once, just about 8 years ago, and I don't want to withness that again.

    Julia went over because Emily was trying to get 13 dogs into the basement.  I wish I had video of that.

    Aside from that, today was pretty good.

    Took some electronic recycling to Oregon, got Beth's dog tag, and stopped at the Village Bakery in Oregon for coffee.

    For those who don't know, the Village Bakery is a business run by the Village of Progress, a workshop for people with disabilities.  Some of those attending the workshop work in the bakery, with supervision.

    There was a tour group in, youngsters with disabilites, and the coffee machine was being explained to them  I ordered a vanilla latte and they had a chance to hear the machine, see the steam, watch how the drink was put together and one little girl even pumped the vanilla into my coffee.

    I thanked them all for making my coffee, and especially thanked the girl who gave me 5 pumps of vanilla.  They looked like they were having a good time.

    We discovered Beth does not like thunder.  Also, the weather alerts on the radio send her into a panic, much like they do me.

    And Jackie and I talked to my cousin in law Warren in Alaska!  It has been ages since I called or texted him.....I need to do that more often.

    All is well that ends well.

    Sleep well, my friends.

Peacde and Love

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