Wednesday, March 1, 2023


 The house is a little quieter tonight

    But it is also a little noisier.

    Jackie has now developed a cough to go along with Julia and me.  I figure by the time I get over  this bug, Jackie will have passed it back to me.  This will go on until July.

    But the main reason it is quieter is because Dog Beth is off for a vet visit.  She is going to be spayed Thursday by a vet in Morrison.  I drove to Sterling with her today, passed her off to Lynn with the rescue service, and will pick her up on Friday, weather permitting.

    When Beth saw Lynn, she basically went limp in her crate.  Lynn picked her up to move her to her car and Beth would not even look at me.    I took her face in my hands and gave her a kiss on the forehead and told her I would see her Friday.  To complicate things, she peed on a dog bed right before we left, so I am thinking she feels she is being banished. 

    But maybe I think too much.

    She didn't lick my hands, or face, or look at me.

    I can imagine she feels we have abandoned her, passed her off to someone else, her third place in three weeks.

    The saving grace was there were two other dogs in crates in Lynn's car and Beth spent the first few minutes barking at another dog and making growling noises.  The other dog returned the favor.  Luckily the other dog was heading to a different location than Beth.

    I say weather permitting, because the forecast is calling for rain or snow or ice or sleet or hail or tornadoes or possibly a cyclone.  Time will tell.

    Now I have to take out our recycling....missed last time and my bins are pretty damn full.  Why do I do this?   Sigh.....just a dreamer, I guess.

    Speaking of dreams, I hope I have plenty tonight!

Peace and Love


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