Sunday, March 5, 2023

hack, hack, ahchoo

Th house sounds like a TB sanitarium 

    Not that I have ever been in a TB sanitarium, but I imagine it as a place were people are constantly hacking and coughing.

    That is us.  We should have bought stock in a tissue company.

    Jackie is miserable.  I am tolerable.  Julia is still coughing.  Emily is also sick, so I guess it is a family thing.

    I actually feel more normal today.   I did take a 90 minute nap, and I am still tired, but at least now I think about doing things.

    Time to make another list.  I seem to have lost the other ones, but I have plenty of things to do.  I lay in bad at night and think, "I should have done......." over and over.  But the next day I don't do anything because this cold is just so draining.  But what will my excuse be when I am healthy??

    Enough on that.

    Jackie has run hot and cold all day.  Thanks to Emily, we now have a point and shoot type temperature taker.  Her temp has been around 98 every time I take it.  At one point today she told me to open all the doors and wheel her out on the porch, she was so hot.  5 minutes later she was fine.

    Dog Beth misses Julia.  Because of the spaying, she is not supposed to go up and down stairs.  Julia is downstairs most of the day and Beth wanders the house looking for her.  She will stand at the downstairs door and sniff.  When Julia comes up, Beth is very happy.

    As of this weriting, we are Day 2 Accident Free.  Fingers crossed.

    For a brief time today I felt a little energy, so I went out and cleaned up the yard.  One of the tasks I don't like about having a dog, but one that has to be done.

    I have a question for people who know better.  I bought some grass seed because I have a few bare spots.  Should I wait for it to get warmer or throw it down now?  I kind of think now because it is the wet season, but I don't think it will germinate when it is still so cool.

    I could Google it ..... but I would find 749 other articles and spend the rest of the night not looking for the answer.

Peace and Love

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