Tuesday, March 28, 2023

say it ain't so

 This is getting depressing

    I just heard a weather forecast that used the word snow in describing tomorrow mornning.

    When will this misery end?

    Holy cow, I had a problem tonight.

    I was famished!  I have been eating a lot in the last 2 hours, like I am out of control.  Leftover Italian beef, chips, more beef, more chips, a bundt cup cake, more chips....all washed down with a little vino.

    I will have to walk extra tomorrow

    Tomorrow will be better because I finished the wine and the chips....so no more temptation.  Unless I open another bag.  Or bottle.

    No...I am stronger than that!   Sigh......sometimes.

    I did go out and try to see the aligned planets.  I really did not have much luck, two of them were low on the horizon and the trees hid them.  Then I got to thinking, eh.  I have missed eclipses, Northern Lights, comets, meteor showers .... so this is one more celestial even added to my list of not sees.

    I began earnestly to line up care for Jackie for while I am gone this summer.  It's not easy.  I don't always know what to ask, or what to expect.  One company is sending a rep out next week to interview us and determine our needs.

    I just want to go knowing she is taken care of.  

    Any advice would be great.

    I hope by starting now we will have a plan in place well before I go.

Peace and Love

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