Saturday, March 11, 2023

here's lookin' at you, kid

I got my "Casablanca" fix today 

    Everyone has a favorite movie.  Mine happens to be Casablanca.

    You can find adventure, suspense, romance, patriotism, and even humor in the movie.

    I am not alone in my ravings....Casablanca is always one of the films mentioned in top 100 lists.

    When I was in high school I had a posters of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman from the final scenes, when she leaves Casablanca.  The faces are in partial shadows and Bergman has a tear running down her cheek.  Bogart looks like he just lost the love of his life.  They were great posters.

    And yes, Ingrid Bergman was the most beautiful woman to walk the face of the planet!  And Bogart was  a man's man.

    There are parts in the film when I can say the lines with the actors.  

    Even though I know what is going to happen, I still pay attention.  The use of shadows and shading on faces always impressed me, and at the end they way the camera goes from one face to another to another....just one face filling the screen.

    I do have favorite parts.....when Laszlo leads the bar in singing The Marseilles, the airport scene, and the roulette scene where the young Bulgarian wins enough to buy black market passes out of Casablanca, to name a few.

    Jackie had never seen it, so she watched it with me.  Well, she watched most of it, but she missed the middle because she fell asleep.  My guess is it did not hold her attention.

    A few years ago I saw it on the big screen and could see details I can not see on the DVD version.  I wish I could see it on the big screen again, I just need to pay attention to art theaters to see if they are showing it.

    By the way.  The words "Play it again, Sam" are never said in the movie.

    If you have never seen it, treat yourself to a classic.'s lookin' at you kid.

Peace and Love

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