Friday, March 3, 2023


 The weather really turned south  today

    We didn't even get a drop of rain, despite the warnings and watches posted for the area.

    I am not sad about that, because it was a late, heavy, wet snow.   It is still a strong storm affecting people and I hope they don't lose power or get as much snow as was predicted.

    Looking at photos of parts of California and I am shocked that so much snow could fall!  Amazing.

    I picked up Dog Beth today.  She came through the surgery fine.  When we opened the car doors I think she may have been confused because she was very lethargic and shaking.  But once I got her into my arms to change vehicles she started wagging that tail and licking my face. 

    We have kept her in the kennel most of the day because she ran  around the house like crazy, even jumped up on the couch!  Doctor directions are  to keep her quite and avoid stairs and jumping.  She was very happy to be home.

    She seems perfectly content in the kennel.  She even ate supper in there....her choice.  She sniffed her food bowl and then walked back to ther kennel.  Julia took the food and put it in and she ate.

    Beth had an accident before we left Wednesday.  I'm thinking that she imagines that because of that accident, we took her to a place and they cut on her and kept her overnight then returned her to us.  So maybe she will be afraid to pee in the house again.  Maybe dogs don't think like me.  But I do hope she goes outside regularly.

    I drive back roads to Sterling because that is the shortest way.

    I was going 60 on Flagg Road.  A purple car caught up to me in a hilly section of the road, with double yellow stripes and as we were starting up the crest of a hill, they passed me!  They must have been going a lot faster than me because they quickly were out of sight.

    I was shocked.  I was also afraid there was a car coming and you could not see it because there were several hills. 

    I think some people are idiots.

    Julia and I are still coughing, Jackie now has it, Emily has the crud.....we are just not healthy right now.

    Hopefully we all recover quickly.

Peace and Love

Oh Mr. Bill, thanks for inviting me for hot chocolate

This is a cozy hot tub

Mr. Bill, what is happening to me?

Oh NOOOO!!!   Mr. Billllll!!!!!!

The starting line up for tonight's cold battle.  And no, we don't take all of them!


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