Tuesday, March 14, 2023


 I had a normal day today

    Not much coughing, no mid day nap, no headache.....it was pretty nice!

    Camryn had an orchesta concert tonight and we had planned to go, but Jackie's cough would have been a total distraction.  Plus, I still have an occasional coughing spell, just not as often.

    Thanks to modern technology, we were able to watch it on YouTube TV!  We spent the first few minutes searching for Camryn, only to learn she was in the second orchestra performing.  Once that group came on we found her right away.

    She plays the violin.  It is such a beautiful instrument, capable of producing joy and sadness.  Watching the group play makes me regret not learning how to play an instrument when I was young.  It is a life long gift.

    Emily came over and brought Beth a playmate.  Becky is one of Emily's laid back dogs, but Beth did not welcome Becky into the house.  A lot of growling and snarling from little Beth.  We told her she can't be that way and expect to have furry friends come over to play.  That was no help.

    Emily also brought a key lime pie in celebration of pi day.  Needless to say, it was pretty darn delicous.

    Hopefully tomorrow I will get to the REC and walk a little.  It has been three weeks, and I think I have gained back some of the weight I had lost.  Damn.

    And tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 50s........ that is great news.  I am tired of the cold and snow.

Peace and Love

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