Thursday, March 23, 2023

crime does pay

Sometimes I see why criminals are criminals 

    In Thailand, police arrested 21 people in a nationwide crackdown on scammers.

    The people would contact mainly elderly people in the US and tell them they were investigating international money laundering.  Then they instructed the seniors to send them their money so it could be verified.

    Now, I would never do that.  Never.  Never.  I repeat, never.

    And I am a senior.  Ok, maybe not elderly, but not as young as I was yesterday either.

    How much were they accused of scamming people?

    $87 million!!!

    That's a hell of  a lot of money!  If you scammed people and earned a couple of million and then quit the business, you may be lucky enough to never be caught.

    Then I think of Rita from Dixon, who embezzeled $54 million from the city over a period of years.  She lived the high life during that time.

    And I read about business people who scammed the government of Covid funding.  Some of them got millions for bogus companies with ghost employees.  They used that money to live the good life.

    I am convinced most criminals eventually get caught.  But until they do, they live a pretty luxurious life.

    And the penalties?  A slap on the hand, a couple of years in prison, restitution, and then back on the streets. 

    We can't jail them long enough because prisons are full of murderers. rapists, child molesters and other dregs of society.

    Of course, non of them are ever really guilty.  It seems no criminal is.

    But maybe we could find a suitable punishment, like winters in North Dakota and summers in Mara Lago, or whatever that place is called.  Take away AC and give them a constant supply of kale and chickpea sandwiches and society can have the satisfaction of a fitting punishment.

    by the way,  if anybody has any spare $100 bills, you can send them to me and I will check to see if they need to be laundered.  If so, I will have to keep them for evidence.

Peace and Love

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