Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Uh oh.....

Beth taught me a lesson  today 

    Don't get over confident!

    Beth has been real good about the Invisible Fence.  She stays away from the flags marking its boundary and is reluctant to approach within a couple of feet of the flags.

    So, I have been getting a little more confident with her staying in the yard.  Sometimes I don't hold her lead in my hand, I just watch her wander around the yard.  I even throw the tennis ball and she chases after it, dragging her lead behind.

    Today I was really confident and opened the front door and let her out without a leash.

    As soon as I saw the people from down the street walking their dog, I realized I had made a mistake.

    But Beth should be stopped by the fence, right?

    Wrong, electric shock breath!   That little girl trotted right thru it without flinching!

    Since Beth growls and snarls at other dogs, I was a little concerned.  The man walking the dog grabbed Beth's collar and held her until I got there. 

    Beth only growled one time at the dog, which was a brown labrador.  She did sniff around the dog and let the dog sniff her.

    Maybe the bigger dogs are better for her to interact with.  Emily will bring over one of her big dogs as a test, eventually.

    Tomorrow we have another training day with the fence people.  I assume they will turn up the level on her collar, which should stop the going out of the yard issue.

    I picked her up and carried her back into the yard and guided her to the door, and all she did was watch the other dog go down the street.

    When the weather warms I will start walking her down the street.  I missed the REC Monday and hope to get there tomorrow.  I seem to have fallen out of my routine since I got sick.

    Opening day..... coming soon!  Go Cubs!!

Peace and Love

My daffodils are emerging!!!!  

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