Thursday, March 9, 2023

roller coasters

Sometimes life just has its ups and downs 

    Snow, no snow. Snow, no snow.  

    It seems to be coming down now.  Pretty heavily, at times.

    We had one of those nights.  I did not hear Julia come in to take Dog Beth out this morning, nor did I hear her come back into her kennel.  I was sound asleep.  I finally woke up at..... hold on to your croissant....10:30.  

    Realize it takes Jackie and me about 2 hours to get to where we can eat breakfast, or in the case of today, lunch.

    When I woke up, I had the same pattern as the past three or four days:  felt really good at first but as the day goes on I don't feel so good.  I am darn tired right now.  My cough is drier, but still there.

    I stayed home from my second meeting of the week.  Both groups meet in smaller rooms and I just did not feel right going and possibly spreading my crud to other people.  And when our cleaning lady came today, Jackie and I sat in the den and we wore masks.

    Beth spent a long time in my lap as I tried to read.  I say tried, because it was hard to pet her and hold the book. 

    I don't think she likes the snow.  I took her out and she immediately began jumping p and down and pulling back toward the house.  Julia took her out later and she did her business and came right back inside.  Wet, but relieved.

    I ordered a nightgown on Amazon.  Tloday we got a box with a cook book in it.  I did not order a book.  Julia did not order a book.  I thought maybe they substituted the book for the nightgown.

    Later Julia was talking to one of her friends in Switzerland and the book came into the conversation.  Turns out the friend sent Julia the book!  Directions were that we had to make some of the recipes.  Mystery solved.  Nightgown on the way.

    Don't worry, it's not for me.  If I was in Tennessee and wearing a nightgown I guess I could get arrested because some people don't want you to be you.  I look at it as a government telling you how to dress.   Shameful.

    But I digress.

    I think that's because I am tired.  And it's not even 9 p.m.

    And I think my days are all off.....accident free for 6 days!   

Peace and Love



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