Saturday, March 4, 2023

old habits

For the past week I have not eaten a lot 

    The cold left me not feeling hungry.  Thirsty, yes.  I have consumed copious amount of honey infused tea.  

    But today, well.... I feel better.

    And I have been stuffing myself.

    I don't like it.  Now I feel bloated.  I actually liked not eating a lot of stuff during the day.

    Maybe I need to catch the cold again.  

    So tomorrow I will try to contain myself, control myself, approach food with restraint and just say no.

    But it is so hard.

    About a month ago I swore off french fries, potato chips, and more than 1 can of pop a week.  This week I had 2 cans, but for the most part I have kept to my plan.  And for a guy who loves fries and chips, it is hard.

    It has also been over a week since I walked.  Hopefully Monday I can get back on track (no pun intended, although it is a good one) and get back to the REC for some exercise.

    Dog Beth can't walk for a while until she heels from the spaying.  Otherwise I could walk her down to the end of the block and back.  But she has to wait 2 weeks to do that, according to the doc's directions.

        She had 2 accidnets in her kennel last night.  She has never done that, and I think it is just getting her back to her routine.  Maybe the surgery affected her control also.  But today she has been perfect in the house.

    When we go out she does her pooh business and then wants to go back into the house.  I won't let her go, and within a few minutes she is doing her pee business.  I think she just forgets.

    I know!  You are tired of reading about her potty habits!   Sorry.

    This was the weekend for visiting antique and oddities stores.  I had hoped our booth at Pickin Station would have less items than on Thursday, but I stopped down there today and it doesn't look like we sold much.  Too bad for us.  I hope others had better sales.

    That's my life.

Peace and Love

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