Sunday, March 19, 2023


 I have been stumped this week on Wordle

    Normally I can get some starter letters with my first word.  But the last 3 or 4 days, I have not been so fortunate.

    In fact, 2 days I have taken all 6 chances and one day I did not get the word at all.  I was completely stumped.  Today I got it in 5 chances, but it was not easy.

    I like word games.  I love playing Scrabble, but Jackie doesn't.  I have not played a real game in years.  I used to play for free on line at Pogo, but last time I did after every turn there was a 30 second commercial and an offer to sign up to play ad free.  Being the cheap skate I can be sometimes, I passed.

    I gave up playing it because it was so irritating with the commercials.

    Sometimes I do crossword puzzles on line.  That is one of the things I miss most about a real Chicago Tribune.  I tried printing the puzzles, but the squares and type come out too small for me to read or fill in the blanks.

    Such is life.

    We had surprise visitors today.  Sam, Kevin and Jen came over to deliver our Butter Braid coffee cakes and we had a cookout and a great visit. Two social events in 2 days.....we must be feeling better.

    Dog Beth and I had a fun time out in the back yard today.  I threw the ball, she ran, grabbed it and raced around the yard like a crazy dog.  Despite the cold, we had fun.  I do keep a leash on her, but I don't hold onto it during the day.  She seems to be adjusting to  the Invisible Fence nicely.  She only had one oops today, I don't know if she had a shock or just heard the warning noise.  

    That's it.  50s tomorrow, which will be a welcome change from the cold.

Peace and Love

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