Saturday, April 1, 2023

all quiet

Today was a pretty quiet day 

    After last night, that was a welcome respite.

    It was cold....I know the temperatures were in the 40s, but the wind blew and that made it cold.

    I did take a trip down to Memorial Park.

    The southside of Rochelle was hit by some pretty strong winds.  Several large oaks were downed at the golf course and in Memorial Park.  Power lines were also downed.

    What made me sad was to see the giant cedar tree on the ground in the park,.

    I think, but I don't know why I think this, this tree was planted in about 1922 as a memorial tree to the soldiers of W W I.  I think, and I admit my memory can be a bit hazy, there was a plaque that said something to effect of this tree planted in the memory of those who served in the war.

    It did not say WW I, it just said war.  It might have even said the Great War, which was what it was called before the war to end all wars was eclipsed by another war to end all wars.

    Sometime in the past few years the area was rennovated and a new plaque was installed, but it does not have the same wording as the old one.  That bothers me a bit, but I can't tell you why.

    In any case, the tree is down.

    If any of you have stories  or information about the tree, please let me know.  I would like to find out more about it.

    Last night when I went to bed I said to Jackie, the only problem with today was I was so busy I didn't walk.

    She looked at me like I was nuts. 

    Yes, I walked.  And got a hair cut.

    Amazing what a tornado warning will do to one's mental recall.

Peace and Love

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