Friday, March 17, 2023


 Today was a special day

    We had pedicures, which always energizes me.  My feet feel so damn soft and they smell great!   Normally that is not something I can say about my feet.

    After the pedicures, Jackie and I stopped at Ollie's for our first taste of the year.  I had the Irish Cream Cake, which sort of disappointed me because it was brownish in color and did not taste like I thought a cream cake would taste.  Jackie had a small hot fudge sundae.  She could not finish it, and I did not because she still has her cough and I don't want to risk a reinfection.  So miracle of the day....I threw out custard!

    Second miracle.... I drove past a Starbuck's!!!   I figured since I had Ollie's, I should not press another treat.

    Third miracle.....  I saw a former student and actually called him by his correct name!  That is a miracle, trust me.  In the past, I have strugged to remember his name.  But today, bundled up, hat pulled low, coat snug, and a beard, I recognized him!  We even talked about his job!!  I was on fire.

    Fourth miracle.....  Jackie wanted a Reuben tonight.  So I went to Acres Bistro and got her one there.  Because I was wearing green, I got a $5 gift card for my next visit!  Cha ching!!!!!!

    Final miracle..... I only spent 10 minutes doing dishes.  Julia made Rosti, a one pan dish.  That pan, plus a couple of plastic glasses, were the bulk of my dish duty.

    Too bad I did not fill out a March Madness card, eh?  I might have even chosen Farliegh Dickenson, who knows!

    That's enough miracles for one day.

Peace and Love

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