Sunday, March 12, 2023

aww geez

 I hate time changes

I forgot that we changed times last night.

So, when I headed off to bed at 11:30, it was really 12:30.  I did set the clocks before I went to bed.

    But I also had coffee yesterday.  I made it it my Mr Coffee type thing.  I think the beans are a little more caffinated than I expect.  I finished my coffee by 2 p.m., but I was still up at 3 a.m.  I just could not sleep..nothing I did relaxed me.

    Eventually I  fell asleep.  Did not hear Julia come in to get Beth, or hear her when she brought Beth back into the kennel.  

    Any hopes of making Zoom church were out the window because that starts at 10:30 and I didn't get up until 10:45.  

    Today, no coffee.  Bed by 11.  Asleep by 2 a.m.   Lofty goals, I know.

    Our Invisible Fence is now working and we are training Beth.  The yard is dotted with blue flags about where the fence is.  Julia and I let her wander the yard and steer her toward the blue flags along the perimeter so she knows how far she can wander.

    Neighbor Jackie came out today and Beth went right over to her, despite the blue flags and slight shock. It's a learning process.

    Every day we are supposed to walk her around the perimeters a couple of times so she is aware how far she can go.

    When she gets too close a high pitched sound alerts her, and she knows to turn back.   Julia can hear the sound, but I can't.  I have not had my hearing aids in for a couple of days, so when I put them in tomorrow I will be listening carefully for the noise.

    Beth's kennel is in our bedroom.  We noticed that she has carried almost all of her toys from the toy basket to her kennel, one at a time.  She seems to like to sleep with them.

    And she still goes into her kennel when she wants a nap.....perfectly happy to snooze away in it.

    Her incision seems to be healing nicely, so everything is looking up.

Peace and Love

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