Monday, March 27, 2023

how many?

 Today was Jackie's actual birthday

    I won't say how old she is, but she is younger than me.  

    Sometimes I think the entire world is younger than me.

    The girls got her a really neat ceramic egg, some rabbit figures, and some small ceramic eggs.  At least I think they are ceramic.  Sitting here I realize I am not sure and am too lazy to get up to see.

    We were up early, like 6:45.  But we went back to bed and slept until 10:30!  I really needed it.  That does throw off the whole schedule.  I usually go walk at 1 or 1:30 but did not go today until 4.  And no coffee after walking!

    I made Iowa chops and scalloped potatoes for supper, with carrots for our vegetable.  Emily came over and we ate together, which was nice.  

    For those who may not know, Headon's sells Iowa chops.  These are pork chops that are an inch or an inch and a quarter thick.  I pan fry them for 6 minutes then stick them in the oven for another 20 and check the temp with a meat thermometer.

    We had 3 chops for the 4 of us and we have leftovers!  I love them.

    Not a  real busy day, but a fun one.  Jackie talked to sister Judy  and brother Joe in Illinois and we Facetimed with her brother Bob and wife Anita in Florida.

    New challenges tomorrow.....a lot of phone time ahead.

Peace and Love

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