Wednesday, March 29, 2023

A new year

Tomorrow is New Year's Day!!! 

    I know, it is March 30.  But it is opening day at Wrigley, the start of a new year of baseball!

    I have big hopes for the Cubs this year, but I am also a little vexed.  I really want to see Peter Crow Armstrong (PCA to Cubs fans) in center field and Christoper Morrel in right.  Both will be starting the year in the minors, the reasoning being neither would get much playing time once Suzuki comes back and it is important for them to get reps at the plate and experience in the field.

    The Cubs are deep in outfielders in the minor I wonder if Ian Happ will be traded at mid-season, or Cody Bellinger, or both.  Time will tell.

    Julia and I drove Dog Beth nuts today. 

    I have a chicken that sings.  It is an Easter decoration.  I put out decorations today and showed Beth the chicken.   When you pick up the chicken by its head it clucks.  When you press a button on its arm it dances.

    Beth did not like it.

    Eventually I put it on top on the tv cabinet, but Beth kept putting her paws up on the cabinet.  So I moved it to the den and put it high on a speaker.  Beth sat and stared at it.  Then she ran around the house.  Then she stared at it.  Then she ran.  Then stared.  

    This went on for a while.  So I put the chicken in a closet.  Beth kept looking for it but I think she has finally given up on finding it.

    Jackie said I should throw it away.  I have 1 Easter that is not going anywhere!

    We had another training session today and Beth did very well.  Julia stood in the driveway and Beth started toward her and stopped when she remembered the blue flags mean danger.  However, Beth did get zapped when she went to sniff the trainer.  He said that is expected, she will forget the underground fence is there from time to time.

    As long as she does not get out.

    Went to a really neat program at the museum tonight......part of the week of Chatauqua talks. More about that tomorrow.

Peace and Love

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