Thursday, March 30, 2023

Ghosts II

 Yes, I am going to talk about ghosts again

    Sort of.

    Last night at the museum Kimberly Ekes did a program of then and now pictures around Rochelle.

    Simplifying what she said, she finds old pictures, researches the locations and takes today pictures of hte same spot.  Then she photo shops part of the old picture onto the new picture.  She called it ghosting.  I think, anyway.  Sometimes I don't hear that well.

    So you may have a picture of a group of people in the 1910 era standing in front of a store that is inset into a picture of the same location.  She lines up the building lines, windows, etc., so it looks like one picture.  The old "ghost" picture is black and white while the modern picture is color.

    It's really cool.

    I have seen similar photos, but hey have been done diagonally, with the old on one side and the current on the other.  Those are also neat.

    That is one ghost story.

    Now another.

    Jackie has told me several times that she hears music at around 6 a.m.,  music loud enough to wake her.

    The alarm is not on.  Siri is not active.  I don't know where the music is coming from and neither does she.

    So, now she will wake me up when she hears it. 

    I can hardly wait.

    Then I wondered:  What if a truly sadistic carpenter or electrician programmed a radio to play for a few minutes each day.  The radio would be in the wall, so you would not see it.  It would be directly wired so no batteries would have to be replaced.

    Is that possible?

    Anyway, I expect some day I will be awakened around 6 a.m. by Jackie because she hears music.

    Sincee I don't sleep with my hearing aides, I won't have any idea what is going on.  But that is normal.

    I don't think it is a car going past, but it could be.  Not sure what else it could be but....... ghosts?

    Be aware of the weather tomorrow!!  Keep alert!!

Peace and Love

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