Monday, March 20, 2023


 I experienced some firsts today

    It was my first time taking Beth to our vet in DeKalb, or Sycamore, I get confused.

    Actually, it was bittersweet and I did get a little teary eyed.  

    As we sat in the waiting area I thought of the last time I was there..... the day Corki died.  Almost 1 year ago, in fact.  I sat remembering how she looked, how she walked down the street like she owned it.  And I remember Jackie and I seeing her hours before she died, and me saying I would be back.  It still haunts me.  I should have been with her like I promised.

    Beth acted very well in the vet's office, except for the growling at a little Yorkie that wanted to be friends and play.  Beth seems to have a problem with other dogs.  Have to work on that.

    Another first was using a seat belt harness to hold her in a seat.  Usually we just let Corki roam around the car, but Beth is a little more active.  The harness worked out nicely.  Of course Julia had to put Beth in it and show me how to hook it to the seat belt.

    I took Beth in to Pet Smart to return an item and buy another leash.  We have one, but it is dirty and I need to wash it and let it dry, so we need another leash to use until it does dry.  Going into the store with a dog was a first for me.

    Then we stopped at Starbuck's and Beth got her first puppychino.  She really enjoyed it.

    And while the temperature finally hit 50, the wind was cold and strong.  In fact, it blew down my campaign signs!  The one listing REEA endorsed candidates now has a broken frame..... caused by the wind.  Emily seems to have lost the Jennifer Thompson had to be the wind.

    And the blue flags outlining the invisible fence are shredding and scattering all over the place!  Gonna have to pick tthose scraps up soon.

    But it is officially spring..... so bring on the warmer weather and the April showers.

Peace and Love

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