Monday, March 13, 2023


 I did not win an Oscar on Sunday

    I admit, I was not surprised.  

    First off, you have to be nominated.

    But mainly you have to be in a movie, or connected to a movie in some way.

    I was not last year.  Or the year before.  Or the year before....... you get the idea.

    Actually, I paid little attention to the awards.  In past years I always tried to see some of the nominees for Best Picture, but Covid seemed to put a kabosh (or is it kibosch?) on that.

    I was impressed by one news item I saw.

    Evidently Lady Gaga was walking in on the runway when a photographer fell.  She turned around, went back, and helped him up.  The only person to offer help, according to the news story.

    I think that says a lot about her.  She does have a great voice and a somewhat weird act, but helping a stranger like that shows she is compassionate and caring.

    When she comes in the area I plan to fall down and hope she helps me up.  And I bet I am not the only one on the ground.

    Funny thing. 

    I woke up this morning refreshed and feeling great.

    Then....BANG!    The bottom fell out.  I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.  I took a nap a little after 12.

    While I was asleep Julia took care of Jackie and took Beth out, and I slept through it all.

    I woke up with a headache which went away about 5 and I felt great again, until a couple hours later when I got tired again.  I have no ambition.  I just want to sleep.

    I did make supper yesterday with a recipe I found on line.

    The picture of the Italian sausage, long grain wild rice, and peppers looked great.

    However, my dish looked nothing like the one in the picture.  Julia looked at it and dread came over her face.

    After she ate, she asked that I never make it again.  Jackie was of the same philosophy.

    I, on the other hand, liked it.  

    Except for how it looked.

Peace and Love


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