Tuesday, February 28, 2023


 I don't believe in ghosts

    Really, I don't.

    Yes, there is Ghost Dog from down the road, but I have not seen it for a while.

    When I first saw it, Ghost Dog was standing by the side of the road....its white coat blowing in the wind.  But there was no wind.  It was  a calm night.  I slowed down as I passed it and Ghost Dog's head just followed my car as I drove passed.

    And yes, sometimes I feel there is someone walking around the house at night.  But when I get up, I find no one.

    And yes, after Corki died I sometimes heard her little foot steps in the middle of the night.

    But I don't believe in ghosts.

    So explain this to me.

    I pulled out of my driveway tonight, listening to Jimmy Buffett, and as I drove down the street I saw a man in the road.

    He had on a long gray jacket.  As a matter of fact, everything about him was gray.  Gray hair that hung to his shoulder, gray satchel slung over his arm, gray face, gray pants.  Gray, you get it?

    I blinked and he disappeared.  

    Now, it could have been a reflection on the windshield that resembled a person.  And it all took place in a fraction of a second, but the image was burned into my brain.

    Like I said, I don't believe in ghosts....... but.......

    I need to post a sign in the house like they do on construction sites:   "We've gone _____ days without an accident."

    Then I have to teach Beth to read it.  

    We notice a pattern.  When Julia has her downstairs and plays fetch the ball, Beth runs and runs and then without warning will drop a load.

    We think she just gets excited from running and playing.

    So we are banning her from the basement for a while.  Plus, she steals paper and distracts Julia at work, so she is now staying upstairs.

    Tomorrow I take her to the rescue people, who will take her to the vet and have her spayed.  

    I really wish she could understand we are not giving her away and she will be back.  Hopefully she does not get distressed or depressed.

    Day 4 of the cold, still coughing.  I think I hacked up a lung today.

Peace and Love

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