Tuesday, January 31, 2023

oops, sorry about that

 I may have committed a social faux pas today

    Jackie had a doctor appointment in Rolling Meadows.

    It was about 1 year ago we missed the seat in the car and she slid softly to the ground.  A man  helped me get her up  only to pull her shirt and coat over her head.  So, happy anniversary, of sorts.

    No problem today.

    We went to the elevator bank, door opened, a gentleman said go ahead, and I pushed the wheelchair in and hit 7.  The man followed and hit 8.

    Jackie said, "I don't think we want 7.  We want 8."

    We probably have this conversation every time.  For some reason, I can't remember the floor and I never look at the directory posted by the elevator for people's convenience.

    Anyway, we get to 7, I get off, look around, and say loudly, "Wrong floor.  We want 8."

    At which point the man said, "Oh," and got off the elevator.  

    I said to him, "This is 7.  Sir, this is 7."

    He wandered away, the doors closed, and we went to 8.

    He was an older guy, maybe older than me.  And he had a piece of paper in his hand that he kept looking at.

    I hope he found the right room.  I did not intentionally lead him astray, but kind of feel it was my fault.

    Speaking of my fault, or not being my fault, I seem to have broken our cordless vaccuum

    I emptied the canister today and two parts fell off that have never fallen off before.

    I went to the Dyson website but found no answers or even hints.

    So I went to YouTube and typed in Dyson 11 canister  and found a video showing me how to fix it!

    All I have to do is use a hex wrench to remove a tiny, tiny, tiny screw and replace the two parts, then put the screw back in, assuming I have not lost it by then.

    The man in the video did it in less than 5 minutes.....so I figure a minimum of an hour for me.  That includes 20 minutes spent looking for the tiny screw I dropped.

    Wish me luck.

    And finally, had to get up around 4 for a pee break this morning.  I bundled up and went out to look for the green comet....no luck.  The sky was clear, but I saw nothing.

    I read that starting tomorrow, around 9 p.m. it should be visible almost straight overhead and to the west of Ursa Major.  

    Binoculars may help.

Peace and Love

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