Monday, January 2, 2023

wait for it

 This seems to be a winter without snow

    But wait for it.

    Of the 10 biggest snowstorms in Chicago in the last 120 years, 7 have been in January, including the 1967 storm that dumped 23 inches of snow on the city.

    I was home on break from NIU at that time and ended up working at the National grocery store on Ashland.  The place was a madhouse and the manager paid me cash to bag groceries.  I remember it was extremely busy.

    The city was buried.  People just abandoned their cars in the middle of the streets.  Irving Park was full of empty cars and buses.

    Of the other 3 storms, one was in December and the other 2 in mid to late March. 

    None of the top 10 were in April, but I remember the Cubs being postponed because of a storm.  I think I recall  seeing pictures of the outfielders throwing snowballs into the empty bleachers.

    Now, memory and the mind are funny things. 

    Some events I remember clearly, others not at all.

    We had hamburgers and beans for supper last Thursday night.  I cooked our home grown beans and we had burgers on the grill.

    So....explain this.

    I went into the pantry today for something and found the beans on the floor!  The gallon bag had held, but the beans were in non salvageable shape.  After all, they had been defrosting for 4 days!

    What is it about the mind that causes me to do things like that?

    I seriously asked Jackie if she noticed a problem with my mental abilities.  I know the beans are an isolated incident, but the missing nightgown, my missing hammers, and the things I forget really do worry me.

    Is it having too much on my small plate, or do I have a problem?  

    I kind of think it is the former and not the latter.  If it was the latter I would not have remembered my one line:   duck em all! (edited for the sake of the children out there.)

Peace and Love

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