Sunday, January 15, 2023

what happened?

Today was a lost, lost day 

    For starters, we did not get up until after 10!  Once we get up, it takes about 2 hours to get Jackie to the point where she can eat breakfast.  Or in today's case, lunch.

    I actually made coffee with beans from the 5 lb pound bag I won at Cypress House.  I used 4 tablespoons.  I don't know how many tablespoons are in a pound, but it will take  me a lifetime to use it all.

    So....if you would like a plastic baggie filled with coffee beans, let me know....I can hook you up with one.  Or two.  Seriously.  By the way, it is great coffee.  It has a wonderful smell and taste.

    I read the Trib, watched a football game and before I knew it, I was cooking supper and cleaning up the mess I made cooking.  The Trib had a fascinating article about stores that sell live chickens and other fowl.  It was a flashback article and I learned lots of things I never realized about life in  the city.

    I did go out to the garden where the rabbit was killed  because I saw some new holes and some sort of path.  I took a rake to rake it all smooth and as I was doing that I realized I made the holes and the path when I filled in the first hole.  What I thought was an infestation of animals turned out to be an example of forgetting what I had done 2 days ago.

    The most disappointing thing about me and this weekend was I made a list of 4 relatively easy and quick tasks.  I did one of them .  Now I have to add a coouple of not so easy and not so quick tasks because I dilly-dallied my day away.

    But on a positive spin, I did toss out my old compost bin.  The G-men took it away on Friday.  It had been sitting in my garage for about 2 months before I tossed it.

    Small steps.  Small steps.

Peace and Love

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