Saturday, January 28, 2023


 We finally got a snowstorm

    Sure, it is the end of Janary, but we finally got snow.  It looks to me like about 5 inches, but I am terrible when it comes to estimating sizes.

    I do have a problem.  We have a guy do our driveway, but as of 8:30 he has not been here.  I hope he is just running behind and nothing is wrong with him.  Two years ago he had a major medical issue.  

    Tomorrow I will take the snowblower and clear the driveway as best I can.  The thing is, I had a huge snowblower, but we traded with Emily because someone does our driveway and we did not need a big snowblower.  That bigger one would be handy if I have to do our drive tomorrow.

    When I went to Emily's to let the dogs out I was happy to see one of her neighbors had plowed her driveway.  That was nice of them.

    And no, I can't go over and get it because it is heavy and will not fit in any of the vehicles we own.

    I don't mind blowing the driveway.  I just don't want to do it and have the guy show up when I am done.

    It was a beautiful snowfall.  I loved watching it come down so softly.  Sigh......once upon a time I would have strapped on my snowshoes and gone for a walk in the park.  But I just don't have the energy to do that.  

    Oh well.  Life goes on.

Peace and Love

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