Thursday, January 12, 2023

more evidence

I found evidence  about a murder

And it might explain the garden situation.

    These look like the back legs of a rabbit.  They did not seem to have pads like a fox, but the legs are pretty long.  Lots of gray and white fur, but I could not find any other body parts....just tufts of hair around the yard.

    My guess is a coyote got the rabbit.  Or maybe a fox got the rabbit, or a coyote got the fox.  In any case, somebody got supper.

    Pretty quiet day around the place.  I did get in a walk at the REC, but not without some level of embarassment.

    I saw a group of three gents sitting at a table and talking.  They are all in their 80s, and I have known 2 of them for probably close the to 50 years we have been in Rochelle.

    (Note:  Names have been changed to protect the innocent.)

    I said,"Hi, Mr. Smith,"  to Mr. Smith.  Then I said, "Hi, Mr. Jones," to someone who was not Mr. Jones.  I looked at him and said, "I called you Mr. Jones, but Bob, I know your last name.  It is Johnson.  Johnson."

    He laughed and said it was alright.

    Oh well.  It could have been worse.

    Started taking down my train  tree today.  Here are some pictures of my collection.  By the way, I believe I got the first one in 1996, and have received some every Christmas since.  

I should have taken a picture before I took down half the ornaments.....

    That's it!

    Have a great night.

Peace and Love

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