Friday, January 27, 2023


 My tin ceiling is back up

    Thanks to friend Wendy, who came over today and screwed the panels back in place.

    I held, she screwed.  We worked to gether well.

    My arms got so sore doing this!  She can hold the drill, screws, and do it without dropping a lot of stuff.

    I still have to go back and put in screws in places.  But I don't have to hold the panels up and screw, just screw.

    I am confused.  Friends Dan and John helped put the panels up several years ago.  When I took them down, several of them were taped together. 

    But I don't remember doing that.  I don't think John or Dan remember using duct tape to hold them togehter.  And I don't see how we even did that!  We would have had to take them before we screwed them to the supports, but I don't remember that.

    Then again, if we didn't....who did?  

    Maybe a ghost came in and slithered under the floor and over the tiles and taped them.

    I don't know why it bothers me, but it does.

    While we were working today we saw two deer run across behind my yard, heading toward he park.  It is always neat to see them.

    We have some crows that visit the bird feeder.  They can't get on the feeder, but they can pick up seeds on the ground.  I love watching them waddle around and put their beaks into the snow and evidently come up with some seed.

    The other, smaller, birds seem intimidated by the crows.  Even the starlings disappear when the crows come.  I counted 4 crows today.  Hey, that might be the name of a cool rock band.     Counting Crows.

Peace and Love


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