Monday, January 30, 2023

loose screws

 I seem to have some loose screws

    I know!!!!  Most of you have been thinking that for years!

    I just have a few screws to put in to finish the tiles, but I ran out of screws!  Between the ones I stipped and the ones I dropped and can't find, I am short couple or more.

    So I need to go to the hardware store and buy 10 small screws.  Of course, I will check my drawers to see if I had any left over.  I just thought of that.  I bet there are some left from when we first hung tiles 8 years ago.

    Which brings to mind my spring garage project.

    I have lots of stuff in my garage.  Most of it I don't use.

    Therefore this spring I will have a garage sale of garage and other neat stuff.  I will check with the neighborhood people to see who is having garage sales and when, so I can do it the same day.

    For example:  I have 5 leaf rakes.  I also have 2 arms.  The numbers don't make sense.  Multiple shovels, some battery powered trimmers, and who knows what else is lurking in the corners don't seem to be of use to me anymore.

    I know!!!  I have said this for the past three years, but this time I am serious.  (One of my favorite Tuna lines is "I'm as serious as a stroke.")

    The Burpee Seed catalog came.  I only order 5 things: peas, 2 types of beans, cucumbers and carrots.  I think it is the most boring garden ever.  

    I had a big bag of frozen blue lake beans I figured would last through winter.

    They only made it to about Jan. 14.  Tip:  When you take stuff out of the freezer, be sure you put back in what you don't want.   My blue lake bean were black lake when I found them.  

    I still have bags of carrots and corn.  Jackie is tired of the carrots.  Tough.  We have a LOT of carrots so we will be eating them multiple times through the weeks ahead.

    Funny thing.  When I was a kid I hated carrots.  I would not eat them.  Now they are my favorite vegetable, cooked or raw.  I know!!  

    Told you I had loose screws.

Peace and Love

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