Sunday, January 1, 2023

Holy cow!

 Welcome to 2023

    I am a little tired tonight.  We had people over for New Year's Eve.  We ate, played games, laughed, talked and did it all over again.

    Actually, played games might not describe the night.  Once the bell tolled 12, we played  Taboo.  In Taboo a person is given a word and they must get their teammates to say the word.  But there are words you can't use.  For example, if the word is ball, you might not be able to use base, basket, toes, or other words that can be associated with ball.  Those words are "taboo."  If you use the word, your opponents get the point.

    I stink at reading the words and checking my opponent to be sure he/she does not use taboo words.  I just can't see them.  So I used a magnifying glass, which was not an improvement.

    Our team lost, by the way.

    Then we played "Catch Phrase" and that eventually dissolved into people just yelling out the answers, no matter what team you were on.

    It was fun.  We laughed a lot.

    But along about 3, I said, " have to go." And they did.

    I did have to take a nap  this afternoon.  And I am kind of tired tonight.

    The weird thing was I grilled out today!  Jan.1, and I used the grill in the driveway!

    Emily came over and we had bratwurst. They cooked up great and for once I did not burn them.

    Now comes the hard part; working on my resolutions.  I just hope to make ones I can actuallu keep.  That has always been the hardest task for me.

    I hope you have a truly fantastic and healthy 2023.

Peace and Love

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