Tuesday, January 10, 2023

mysteries, unsolved

 Sometimes I am at a loss for explaining things

    Take my garden, for instance.

    I have 2 raised beds that are 2 feet high, and one that is 1 foot high.   I grow vegetables in them

    Julia pointed out an oddity in the garden today.

    There is a hole in the ground in one of the 2 foot high raised beds.  Something has burrowed into the ground.

    And there are footprints leading to the burrow.

    They could be deer prints, but they look more like a large dog's prints.

    And there is fur and grass around the entrance to the burrow, similar to what a rabbit's hole would have.

    Would a rabbit jump 2 feet high to get onto the bed?  I know they jump lengthwise, but I wondered about how high they could go.  When I was at the zoo we had a rabbit enclosure and it was not 2 fet high and they never made it over.  Of course, they were starting on a concrete floor, so there was no traction.

    I discounted the large dog idea because in my mind, we would have seen the dog our during the day.  And we haven't.

    Which leaves a coyote.  Or a wolf.  Just kidding, Little Red Riding Hood, it would not be a wolf.

    So two mysteries:  What is the animal in the hole?  Is it still there?  What has been creeping around the house at night?

    I realize that is 3.

    So here is a fourth.

    How do I chip a tooth eating something soft?  It's one in front and now there is a rough edge hitting my tongue and I am worried the rest of the tooth will break, crumble and fall out and I will have to have a root canal and a cap and I will be in constant pain for weeks on end and won't ever be able to eat anything except pureed foods  ever again.

    Hopefully tcan squeeze me in tomorrow to smooth down the edge and inspect the damage.

    And believe me, the dentist is the last person I want to see.  I am nervous thinking about it.

    That's it.  A day of mystery.

Peace and Love

Clues to the mysteries!

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