Sunday, January 22, 2023

how much you wanna bet?

 Odds are you have seen some betting commercials

    It seems there are a lot of them on the stations carrying football games.  If I watched  college or pro basketball on tv, I bet I would see them there too.

    During the Cubs season between every inning there seemed to be a commercial.  No surprise, since a gambling den is being stuck on the right field corner of Wrigley.  Nothing like ruining the iconic appearance of a beautiful ball park in order to make a buck or two.

    Slots are every where.  Stop at a restaurant?  Play the slots.  Gas up your car?  Play the slots.  I imagine some grocery stores even have them.

    In a few years people are going to realize the high rate of poverty caused by people unable to control their gambling urges.

    I just find the commericals annoying.

    Almost as annoying as the auto and truck commercials that show cars speeding down dirt roads, through creeks, in the desert, up mountains.  Who needs nature anyway.

    Wow.  Guess I am grumpy.

    I am putting the tin ceiling tiles back in place in the basement.  I had to take down some of them when the power line for the generator was installed.

    I had a hard time with one today.  After dropping the screws, then my drill, then the screwdriver, then  the screws again I finally lined up two of the holes.  So I screwed in the screws.

    One was really hard to get in for some reason.

    Anyway, when I was done I ran my hand across the tin and discovered I put it in upside down!  The damn screw that was hard to get in was even harder to get out.

    In my defense, the tins look the same on both sides.  The difference is only one side is finished.

    My biggest problem is my arms get so tired.  I can only do one or two tiles then I have to quit for a while.  Another problem today was the SanFrancisco-Dallas game.

    I wanted to watch that and am rooting for the 49ers to get to the Super Bowl and then win it.


    Robbie Gould, for one reason.  Best kicker the Bears ever had and they were too cheap to keep him.  At least he is kicking in meaningful games.

    Jimmie Ward, for a second reason.  He played his college ball at NIU and has been with SanFrancisco since 2014.  

    But the main  reason is Brock Purdy.  His is an amazing story.  Last player drafted, earning him the title Mr. Irrelevant.  Third string on SanFrancisco.  Hardly played.  Injuries come along and boom!  He is the starting QB and is doing an awesome job.  Great throws, good decisions on the field, and he keeps cool under pressure.

    There.  But as much as I like SF, I am not making any bets on the games.

    I lose enough on lottery tickets.

Peace and Love

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