Sunday, January 29, 2023


 I spent most of the day watching football

    The guy did come and plow my driveway, but I did have to go out and clear the sidewalk and the snow from in front of the garage doors.

    I also let Emily's dogs out because she had to work.

    And I moved our Christmas dishes to the pie safe and brought out our non-Christmas dishes.  

    Jackie and I sat in on a Zoom broadcast of our annual meeting at church.

    But mainly, I watched football.

    I had two teams I was rooting for, SanFrancisco and Kansas City.  Once the SF quarterback went out with an injury, it was over.  And Kansas City was not actually very impressive in its win, but a win is a win.

    I just don't seem them beating the Eagles.

    I avoided Julia as much as possible because she has a cold and I don't want it.  She has tested negative for Covid, so that is not a worry.  But she coughs a lot and is very tired.

    I did not do any clean up in the basement because I did not want to disturb her, so that will be a project for later on this week.

    I just have trouble sleeping again.  I fall asleep, then wake up an hour later and can't get back to sleep.  Sometimes I just walk around the house, other times I sit in my chair in the den and eventually fall asleep there.

    I am really tired tonight, but I bet I don't stay asleep for long.

    I seem to go in spurts....sleep well for 3-4 nights, then have 2-3 nights when I don't sleep well.  I hope I am going into a sleep well pattern.

    Stay warm.  Be careful the next few days.

Peace and Love

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