Tuesday, January 3, 2023

old friends

I have run into a couple of old friends recently 

    I have known Steve for a long time.  He is a self employed entertainer for children's parties.

    He had a party in Sycamore yesterday, called us, and came out.  We had a wonderful supper and a good visit.

    Then today I was at the REC in Rochelle, putting on my walking shoes for my first trip  this year around the indoor track.

    A guy walked past me, then stopped and said, "Is that Terry Dickow? World famous actor and entertainer?"

    I had no idea who it was.  I asked him is name, and still did not know who he was.  Turns out years ago we met at some political events and he remembered me.   

   He also said he went to an Exit 99 show years ago, and asked if we were still performing.

    I said I think so, with maybe a show this spring.  Maybe.  Hopefully, because I need to laugh.  I think we all do.

    Taking advantage of the somewhat warm weather, I took down the outdoor lights today.  They are drying out because they were a little wet.  I will test them and put them away sometime this week.

    The tree is up, still.  I don't know when that will come down, but for sure not before Jan. 6.  Who knows.......I just may leave it up and decorate it with hearts.

    Time will tell.

Peace and Love

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