Wednesday, January 4, 2023


 Some days are!

    The only interesting thing I did was to go down to Pickin' Station and restock some items. 

    Linda and I have some neat stuff down there, so if you have a minute or two why not check us out?  There are a lot of other booths with interesting items, including Renee and Wendy's.  There is always an item or two of interest.

    I have been trying to go to bed earlier.  I made by 11:30 last night and fell right to sleep.

    Unfortunately I was up at 1:30, but I fell back asleep almost immediately.  Unfortunately, I was up at 2:30 and that is when I took a pill to relax me and help me sleep.

    Problem is, I always feel so groggy after that. Today I have been dragging and I actually fell asleep playing Spider Solitaire on the computer.  I was sitting in my chair, my eyes got real heavy, and I closed them.  But I woke with a start when my head began to go forward.  I thought i was falling off a ledge.

    Anyway, hoping to get to bed even earlier tonight.  My goal is 11, but that will be hard for me.

    I do have to take out recycling tonight.  

    We play a game.  I take it out early, they come late.  I take it out late, they come early.  Sometimes I wonder if it is worth it.

    I also cleaned up the computer area.  I got my new credit/debit card and activated it last week.  However, when I went to the store today I discovered I was still carrying my temporary card....which I thought I cut up.

    My fear was I cut up the new card!  But, I eventually found my new card and all is well.  

    For now.

Peace and Love

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