Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Whew Wednesday

Today was a fairly busy day for me 

    I had an eye exam.  Now, that is not the problem.  The problem is picking out frames  I like.

    It used to be I would look for brown frames to match my hair.  Well,  those days are long gone.  Now I look for silver or gray.  

    I  tried some on today that made me look like a raccoon!  

    I guarantee I will not like whatever I picked out.

    Then I went to get my tooth fixed.  Simple fix.  Some Bondo, super glue, a palm sander with a variety of sandpapers and I am good to go.

    I had a Foundation meeting at 5:30.  So, I did not get my walk in today.  Nor did a I get an afternoon coffee or tea because it was after 4 when I finally got home from the dentist.  Caffeine that late is not good for me.

    I finally got most of  Christmas put away.  Julia helped me move Billy Bison out to the garage until it gets warm enough to clear coat him to prevent rust.  I think it will take more than one can.

    I still have my train tree to take down, but I will do that tomorrow.  Jackie will help me because I have to put them away in order, by year, which is really more trouble than it's worth.  But it keeps the ornaments together.  Maybe I should just put them away by year but not put them in order by year.  That could save a lot of yelling.

    But it was all for the good.  My glasses are so scratched up I have trouble seeing through certain parts of the lenses.  My tooth held up to supper and some more popcorn.  My Foundation meeting was less than an hour.

    And the cornbread I made to go with the chili turned out pretty darn good.

    So I guess overall,  today was a win.

Peace and Love

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