Wednesday, January 25, 2023


I had some items to return 

    I had three things to send back, and have dealt with 2 of them  (Notice my inconsistent use of numerals/words?)

    Jackie ordered some shoes through Amazon.  She ordered half a size larger  than she normally wears.  But I could not get them on her feet!  So we returned them via UPS.

    By the way, UPS is not USPS.  One is United Parcel Service the other is United States Postal System. (or is it Service?)   If you take a UPS package into the post office, they will not accept it and direct you to a UPS drop off, which was nice of them.

    I did not make that mistake today.  Let's say I am drawing on previous experiences.

    The other return was a little trickier.

    I ordered a DVD player sometime around Thanksgiving.  I think it was before Black Friday, but I don't remember and I am too lazy to look up the date.

    I ordered it from Best Buy.  It was highly rated and a good price.

    I placed the order on line, and got a confirmation.

    The next day I got an e-mail that said my order was cancelled.  No explanation given, just that it was cancelled.

    I went on line again and found the same DVD player through another supplier and ordered it from them.

    Got my confirmation and a notice the order was being processed for shipping.

    The next day I got an e-mail from Best Buy saying my order was shipped!

    I ended up with 2 DVD players, exactly the same.  I decided to return the Best Buy one because I could drop it at the store while I would have to pay to ship the other one back.

    I took it back today.  I also brought both e-mails.

    The young lady behind the counter said I was past the window for returning Christmas presents.  I pointed out it was purchased way  before Christmas and wasn't a present.  I gave her both e-mails and she was confused by the contradiction.  She called a supervisor over and they agreed that since the order was cancelled, then sent, they would accept the return.

    I thanked them and told them I am a procrastinator plus the package got caught up in all the Christmas doings and I just forgot about it.

    They credited my charge card, which is all I wanted.

    The 2 people were very nice about the whole thing.  I don't think they had ever run across this before, but the supervisor said they probably filled my order twice, realized the mistake, and cancelled one.

    My last return is a pair of jeans.  They are marked 38 waist, but I can't button them!  All my other 38 waists button with ease.  This one has to be mismarked.  That is tomorrow's chore.

    The best part is I can cross them off my list!

Peace and Love

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